
Four New PhoneRaise Features

In the past six months, PhoneRaise has grown up! We are excited to announce an extensive list of new updates to PhoneRaise. Here are four new features that have been recently added to PhoneRaise.

1. New Assignment Center

Assignment Center

With PhoneRaise you can now assign up to 5,000 prospects to volunteers with one click of the mouse. Choose between equally assigning prospects to all volunteers, assignigning prospects to just one volunteer, or assign prospects based on specific criteria such as past donation amounts or affiliations.

2. New View Settings & Filtering Options

Filter & View Settings

Filtering and view settings make it much easier to filter your data and only display specific prospects. These filters can be saved as views and multiple views can be created.

3. New List Uploader

New List Uploader

A new import tool has been added that makes it easy to import lists of prospects. You can now take any spreadsheet and upload it to PhoneRaise. As part of the upload process, you can map fields, create custom fields and look for bad data before you import your prospects lists.

4. Annual or Monthly Payments

PhoneRaise Plans

We have integrated with Chargebee for secure, hassle-free subscriptions. Choose a monthly or annual plan and start your PhoneRaise campaign right away!

PhoneRaise Features

PhoneRaise is the perfect app for large Fundraising Campaigns. PhoneRaise is easy to set up, contact prospects and track the results.

Special Offer!

You have made it this far, you deserve a special offer! Sign up for an annual plan and receive 30% off the already discounted annual plan price! Enter coupon code spring2022 to receive the discount!
Offer expires July 1, 2022.


Tzvi Schectman


May 31, 2022



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